Written word from the “It Shouldn’t Be Revolutionary “ Show by K’Shana Hall

We Are Daughters Too

Oh, but we are daughters too

We are: 

To be cared for

To be looked after 

To be adored

To be loved

To be looked forward too

To be soothed

To be rested

To be made room for 

To be comforted

To be understood 

To be fed

To be exalted

To be the embodiment of pure joy

To be prepared for  

To be missed

To be held 

To be heard and listened to

To be excited about 

To be considered

To be protected

To be adorned and pampered

To be given space to feel all the things

To be given space to learn and dream

To be allowed the same if not more grace

To be prayed for

All of that

And even more

We are daughters too


I wonder what would happen if I stayed here

Not as in lived, but remained here

Like really be here

Let everything dissolve and just be


I just feel like I deserve that right

Yeah, I do

The effortless dissolution of me

Right on into the night 

I should have brought my damned tooth brush

What Else Was I Supposed to Do?

These hands

This mind

Always in overtime

Working enough for two

This heart

This soul

Stretched thin

Enough healing for you and you too

What else was I supposed to do? 

Scarcity and survival in the air

Primal reflexes activated 

Never stopping  

I wouldn’t dare

They all want something from me 

And they want it right now

And I wasn’t raised to let them down

Wasn’t raised to struggle

Wasn’t raised to fail

Wasn’t raised to suffer

Or taught to be lackluster

What else was I supposed to do,

but pretend?

With this soul so fucking thin

The Freedom of Refusal

I refuse to fill the quiet spaces

I won’t straighten the slightly crooked

No minor adjustments from these hands

No subtle tweaks to your plans 

No “you know what would be great?” From these lips

Head tilted

Arms akimbo 

hands on hips


I quit. 


They say keep those squares out your circle

But what if you’re blind?

How will you see the hands that take

The hands that are only pseudo-kind

Determined to see curves where edges should be

So surprised when I get that sting

The kind only a jagged corner can bring



Acts laced with silent disgust 

Offerings dripping in Kelly green jealousy 

To be fair corners are technically ‘round 

Just around 

Around to know and gain

Around to compare

Around to reap benefits and spoils

Around to ball up your feelings like used tin foil

Around to pat shoulders with a “there there” 

As if those corners weren’t the cause 

of all the tightly wound aluminum balls

Angles are genderless 

They have no face

No assigned color

And no set race 

But either way squares are only ‘round if I keep them there

Only round If I remain determined to see curves where I know

damn well edges should be 

Click here for virtual show!
